A Post-LASIK presbyopic lens featuring front CN technology

With a wide-range of custom parameters available, CLASIKcn offers fitters the design flexibility today’s presbyopic patients demand, and can effectively restore peak post-surgical all-range acuity for those in need.
Intended for:
  • Post-LASIK patients
  • Patients struggling with the modified mono effect
  • Developing/advanced presbyopic stages

CLASIKcn R1641/R1825

A 12-lens laser-marked reverse geometry diagnostic set with wet case.
Variable base, reverse & peripheral curves with 10.80 Diameter, 7.0 OZ,
-1.00 Distance Power, +2.50 add power, 2.0 mm Center Near Zone.

Diagnostic Set is available for purchase or loan.

Need more help? Contact our consultants who are available to answer your questions. We can help with any custom contact lens fitting scenario.


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We are here to help you deliver the most successful contact lens option to all of your patients. Our certified fitting consultants possess the design and problem solving knowledge to assist you in achieving that goal
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Monday-Friday 6am-7pm EST
Fax: 800-648-2272