News & Events

Art Optical Names 2009 Associate of the Year

Art Optical Contact Lens, Inc., is pleased to announce the selection of Bethany Peebles, Contact Lens Fitting Consultant, as their 2009 Associate of the Year.

Bethany joined Art optical in 1999 as an associate in our Customer Care Department. She exhibited excellent communication skills and showed the ability and desire to learn and grow with the organization. With a drive to achieve more, she enrolled in Optician school at Ferris State University, graduated in 2002, and immediately joined our Consultation Department as a fitting consultant.

Mike Johnson, our Director of Consultation Services, had the privilege of having Bethany as a student when he was teaching the contact lens section of the Optician program at Ferris. He said he quickly recognized that Bethany had the ability to think outside of the box and saw that she truly grasped the technical aspect of contact lens design. Since joining our consultation team, Bethany has consistently shown her ability to think on her feet and approach lens fitting and problem solving with innovative solutions.

With strong analytical skills, a wealth of product knowledge, and customer communication aptitude that was being underutilized, Bethany has been working to put all of her competencies to use in serving the company in a new capacity this year. She is involved in providing enhanced service and has worked cooperatively with members of the marketing team to learn the tools and methods required. She understands the value of building deeper relationships and strives to strategically match our product offering to the practitioners’ individual needs.

In addition, Bethany displays great Art Optical citizenship and welcomes every opportunity to help the company. She follows procedures, makes suggestions for improvement, and takes on special projects. She is currently managing a new product evaluation program, and is proactively seeking opportunities to work with practitioners on case reports, bringing exposure and credibility to our customers and our company.

For additional information, contact:
Mindy Spicer, Director of Marketing & Communications

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Lens Design & Support
We are here to help you deliver the most successful contact lens option to all of your patients. Our certified fitting consultants possess the design and problem solving knowledge to assist you in achieving that goal
Customer Care Center
Monday-Friday 6am-7pm EST
Fax: 800-648-2272