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Art Optical Names 2010 Associate of the Year

Art Optical Contact Lens, Inc. recently continued their tradition of saluting a team member at their annual year-end celebration by selecting Dennis Hawley, Laboratory Technician, as Associate of the Year 2010.

As a nine year associate, Dennis is thoroughly cross-trained in nearly all laboratory positions. He is motivated to learn and is a quick study on any job to which he is introduced. He has a sharp focus on detail and carefully follows required procedures at all times. At the beginning of the year, Dennis became the primary setup person/tool changer and lathe cutter on second shift. From the moment he comes to work, Dennis keeps a watchful eye on all equipment to insure optimum operation within the tight tolerances established.

Dennis is the “go to” person on second shift for all maintenance related issues. While he is taking care of his own responsibilities, Dennis willingly assists fellow associates as needed and troubleshoots the occasional technical issues that may arise. He does so proactively, without hesitation, changing, adjusting, and revalidating equipment efficiently. He also works the specials cell where he operates the ALM/OTT lathes that produce some of our most advanced lens designs.

This year Dennis added soft lens production to his resume’. He is fully trained in the soft (dry) cell and works there during second shift. He has developed into a fine associate that has the temperament and personality to be successful in all that he does.

We congratulate Dennis Hawley, Art Optical Associate of the Year 2010!

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