News & Events

New MOONLENS® Identification System introduced by Art Optical

March 9, 2023 – Grand Rapids, MI
Art Optical, the leading and largest independent custom contact lens manufacturer in the U.S., has introduced a new Rx lens marking system for their MOONLENS Ortho-K/Myopia Management lenses.

A unique set of numbers is now engraved on each lens and will correspond to a matching number on the lens invoice. This lens/invoice identification system will allow the practitioner to more easily track lens parameters during the fitting process and in the event of patient handling mix-ups between eyes or sets of lenses.

“Due to the highly customized MOONLENS parameters which are unique to Ortho-k and not measurable by standard in-office verification methods, we recognized the need to identify individual lenses by other means,” said Bethany Peebles, FAAO, ABOC, NCLE-AC, Art Optical’s Executive Director of Consultation Services. “This system will insure the appropriate lens is always easily matched to the correct eye for the patient,” she continued.

Available in the U.S. exclusively from Art Optical, MOONLENS is a modern Myopia Management Orthokeratology lens system developed by the KATT Design Group and approved under the Bausch + Lomb Vision Shaping Treatment program (VST®). To learn more about MOONLENS for modern myopia management, contact Art Optical at 800.253.9364 or visit

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