News & Events

September 6 – 10, 2023
International Congress of Scleral Contacts
Booth #tbd
Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Art Optical Added as an Authorized Rose K Manufacturer
- Menicon America, Inc. is pleased to announce that Art Optical Contact Lens, Inc. (Grand Rapids, MI) is now an Authorized Manufacturer of its Rose K lenses. Rose K is...
Art Optical answers demand of post-LASIK presbyopes with new GP multifocal
- Art Optical is pleased to introduce CLASIKcn, a new custom GP multifocal lens designed for the growing number of post-LASIK patients struggling with near-vision demands. The lens features front...
GSLS Posters Highlight Strong Performance of Intelliwave Toric Lenses
- The 2 posters below were featured at this year’s Global Specialty Lens Symposium and highlight the strong performance results we are seeing with Intelliwave Toric lenses! Special thanks to...
January WMOA Meeting Featuring KeraSoft IC
- Art Optical sponsored the January WMOA meeting featuring a presentation on KeraSoft IC by Josh Lotoczky, OD, Associate Professor, Michigan College of Optometry. As always it was nice to...
Art Optical Names 2011 Associate of the Year
- Since joining Art Optical in 1990 to work in the shipping department Rhonda has displayed great communication skills along with a desire to succeed from day one. As a...
Dr. Mark Palmer visits Art Optical
- Mark Palmer OD & his wife, Pat (pictured w/Jill Anastor, Vice President of Operations & Dave Freyling, Technical Process Manager) from Albion, Nebraska, visited Art Optical on Thursday, November...
AO joins the WSD Challenge for 4th year!
- Art Optical joins the World Sight Day Challenge for the 4th year! In addition to their annual 3rd quarter Jean Day fundraiser, AO hosted a bowling event for their...
AO attends the 50th Anniversary CLMA Meeting
- Mike Johnson, FCLSA, with Gareth Browne, Rob McGregor and Dr. Peg Achenbach of Contamac U.S. Dave Freyling, Art Optical’s Technical Process Manager, with Ken Leonhard of Quality Contact Lens...
Art Optical introduces online ordering options at
- Art Optical Contact Lens, Inc. is pleased to introduce an online ordering option for practitioners and contact lens technicians involved in specialty contact lens fitting. The new online order...
Art Optical Celebrates Another Corporate Milestone with Associates
- On Wednesday, July 13, 2011, Art Optical came together as a team to celebrate the company’s 80th Year of Service to the Ophthalmic professions. The opening meeting included words...
ARTicles eNews
Winter 2025
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