News & Events

September 6 – 10, 2023
International Congress of Scleral Contacts
Booth #tbd
Ft. Lauderdale, FL
MCO Grand Rounds GP Workshop
- Mike Johnson, FCLSA and Erik Anderson visited Michigan College of Optometry to take part in their Grand Rounds GP Workshop for third year students....
Ampleye™ Scleral Now FDA Approved for Ocular Surface & Dry Eye Disease Management
- Art Optical Contact Lens, the nation’s leading independent custom lens manufacturer, has received 510(k) clearance from the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on their Ampleye Scleral lens...
Art Optical Co-Sponsors Inaugural SEAL Certification Program
- Art Optical was proud to co-sponsor the inaugural SEAL (Scleral Education for Advanced Leadership) Certification program conducted by the Scleral Consultative Institute (SCI). Held at a state-of-the-art practice in...
WMOA Golf Outing
- Erik Anderson hit the green with Dr. Paul France, Lana Greene and Dr. Gary Anderson for the West Michigan Optometric Association Golf Outing. The Anderson Duo pulled off an...
NOVA Southeastern College of Optometry
- Mike Johnson, FCLSA and Erik Anderson visited NOVA Southeastern College of Optometry to assist Dr. Stephen Byrnes and Dr. Andrea Janoff with a multifocal workshop....
Ampleye™ Workshop with Northwest Indiana Optometric Society
- Michael Johnson, FCLSA, presented an interactive Ampleye Fitting Session to members of the Northwest Indiana Optometric Society on May 8. Thanks to Dr. Nicole Albright for inviting us!...
Scleral Super Sunday
- Thanks to Dr. Steven Chander for organizing “Scleral Super Sunday” at his office in Chicago. AO Consultation Manager Bethany Peebles, NCLE-AC assisted in the wet-lab and Q&A sessions where...
Ampleye™ Education in the Medical + Scientific Theater at Vision Expo East
- Randy Kojima, FAAO, FBCLA, FSLS, FIAO presenting in the Medical + Scientific Theater an education on Ampleye – Advanced Design for Predictive Prescribing....
MCO Class of 2019
- Thanks to the Michigan College of Optometry Class of 2019 for stopping by to visit Art Optical! We enjoyed meeting each and every one of you and look forward...
Art Optical Announces 2016 Associate of the Year
- Congratulations to Jodie Yount, Quality Control Technician & Production Specialist, on her selection as Art Optical’s Associate of the Year for 2016. Jodie joined the Art Optical team in...
ARTicles eNews
Winter 2025
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Multifocals and Scleral Lenses, Why Not?, Reverse Geometry in Ampleye, Travel Grant Winners, Automated Credits!, Events and more!
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